Job title:
Associate Professor, Department of Public Finance
+86 (10) 6275 5451
+86 (10) 6275 1460
Research field:
Education background:
Post D. in Public Finance, Research Institute of Finance Ministry, 2002-2004
Ph.D. in Economics, Peking University, 1999-2002
M.A. in Economics, Nankai University 1996-1999
B.A. in Engineering, Shandong University, 1988-1992
Work experience:
Professor Xu has published many articles, papers and books. She has been a member of the Economic Policy Committee of State Council since 2002.
Research interests:
Government Budget Economics
Public Choice
Government Accounting
Government Budget Economics
Government Budget and Accounting
Public Choice
1. Yunxiao Xu and Quanshe Yang, “New Development: China’s Budget Law and Local Debt”, Public Money&Management, November 2015, Vol.35, No.6. P447-450. SSCI
2. Xu Yunxiao, James L.Chan, Ma Caichen, “Wang Anshi’s Wanyanshu as the Origins of Modern Public Management?” Public Money&Management (May 2014), pp. 221-226. SSCI
3. Yunxiao Xu and Caichen Ma, James L.Chan, Debate: Wang Anshi and Confucian Public Management—a Rejoinder , Public Money&Management, July 2015, Vol.35, No.4, P253-254。SSCI
5. Yunxiao Xu, James L.Chan “Financial Management in Public Sector Organizations,” in Public Management, 2nd ed. edited by Tony Bouvaird and Elke Loeffler (London: Routledge, 2009), pp. 109-120.
6. 主编《政府财政、会计与管理》(上、下册)8797威尼斯老品牌出版社,2015年9月。
7. James L.Chan, Yunxiao Xu, “Setting Government Accounting Standards: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of China and the United States,” in Implementing Public Sector Accounting Reform, ed. by Susana Jorge (University of Coimbra Press, 2008), pp. 89-109.
8. James L.Chan, Xu Yunxiao “How Much Red Ink? Comparing the Economic and Accounting Approaches to Measuring [American] Government Deficit and Debt,” World Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1 (January-March, 2012), pp. 65-74.
9. Yunxiao Xu, James L.Chan “Financial Management in Public Sector Organizations,” in Public Management, 3rd ed. edited by Tony Bouvaird and Elke Loeffler (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2013), [major revision of chapter in 2nd edition]
10. James L.Chan, Yunxiao Xu, “Government Financial Reporting Standards and Practices,” in International Handbook of Public Financial Management, co-edited by Richard Allen, Richard Hemming and Barry Potter (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 767-796.
11. Government Financial Reporting Standards and Practices,The International Handbook of Public Financial Management, June 2013(IMF)
12. 《公共选择理论》8797威尼斯老品牌出版社2010再版。