【讲座题目】:Inclusive and Sustainable in Asia
【主 讲 人】:Dr. Bharat Dahiya
Bharat Dahiya,Human Settlements Officer,
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.); University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Major: Urban Governance and Environment.
Inclusive Cities in Asia:
Despite the spectacular economic growth of Asian economies in the recent decades, poverty and inequality remain major development challenges. The lecture will help develop an understanding of the problems related to urban poverty and inequality, and how they are being and can be addressed in Asian cities.
Sustainable Cities in Asia:
While cities have led economic growth in Asia, they have not paid sufficient attention to problems related to urban environmental quality and liveability. Moreover, pollution and climate change threaten Asia’s successful economic model. The lecture will help develop an understanding of sustainable cities, the challenges cities face due to climate change, and how these challenges are being addressed.