首先,1996年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者James Mirrlees教授就开放经济中的最优储蓄、投资及增长发表演讲。他以中国为例,通过欧拉规则,分析指出中国的资金储备太高,投资太少,中国应该从债权国向债务国转变,从而完成短时间内的经济飞速增长向中长期持续增长转变;同时他指出应该看到老年人相对应于年轻人会有更多消费,从而对经济增长应该有更大贡献。
韩国Jwa Sung-hee教授通过分析从日本、韩国、中国及世界经济发展中汲取的经验教训,建立了经济发展的一般理论,用于解释简明且延伸的发展经验,指出经济发展是复杂经济系统的一种突发行为,市场只为那些自主之人提供帮助,企业能解决市场不能解决的发展停滞问题,政府可通过实施鉴别性措施和政策,帮助那些具有开拓精神的机构、企业和个人以解决发展停滞问题,从而改善市场的运行结果。因此,发展需要企业、市场、政府三方都扮演好经济利润导向的“鉴别者”。
英国Christopher J. Berry教授从完全不同的角度发表看法:奢侈品与消费伦理。中国的奢侈品越来越多,关于奢侈品与消费伦理的辩证关系的讨论已不可避免。Berry教授首先提出奢侈作为一个道德层面的词汇,往往被认为是不好的或危险的,继而简要阐述了对这种观点的正反两方面观点。最后他进一步探讨了道德的回归问题。
日本Shimizu Tetsurou教授阐述了现今日本国内关于跨太平洋伙伴合作关系的激烈争论,并预估其对亚洲未来可能产生的影响。他指出跨太平洋伙伴合作关系仍然存在很多问题:第一,跨太平洋伙伴合作关系谈判是由美国强烈要求的,所以所制定的规则必须是对美国有利的;第二,跨太平洋伙伴合作关系将破坏东亚国家的区域一体化;第三,跨太平洋伙伴合作关系将对日本高成本农业经济造成损伤并削弱食品保障能力;最后,美国所希望的跨太平洋伙伴合作关系中投资准则将威胁到经济主权。
瑞典Eskil Wadensj?教授以两个欧洲共同劳动力市场为例,探讨了劳动力市场的整合对经济增长的影响,以及欧洲共同劳动力市场的未来发展。他指出,第一个共同劳动力市场形成于1954年的北欧,拥有五个成员国。第二个则是欧盟共同劳动力市场,它在上世界60年代历经三次发展,并随着欧盟范围的扩大而持续增长,成员国从最初的六个发展到现在的二十七个之多。共同劳动力市场导致移民和人员流动的频率在成员国范围内上升很快。
首尔大学Ki-seok Kim教授对东西方对优秀人才的历史观点进行了比较。演讲提到东西方的传统教育体制和学术制度发展,过去韩国大部分文学教育机构,包括家庭学校和私塾,都是建立在各种非正规且制度化较低的学术网络基础上的。它们有力有效地驱动取得学术上的卓越成就。如果说巴黎大学是中世纪西方哲学发展兴旺之处,那么,它们就是16世纪以来韩国儒家学说的复兴地,是特色学派行成的一扇大门,并关注在这扇“大门”之中的知识相互作用,并将其看作这些非正规且制度化较低的学术中心的核心区域,以最大限度地开发智力潜能和培养人格魅力。
美国Hani Findakly先生从商业的角度阐述了区域联盟在加速贸易、经济发展、劳动力转化上有积极作用,并具体讨论典型区域联合体的经济增长情况及贸易壁垒。
澳大利亚Reginald Little教授以西方的视角看待亚洲文化,对亚洲儒家智慧发表看法。他指出中西方教育体制的差异,中国的学生往往比西方的学生在学业上付出更多的努力,另外,亚洲深受儒家思想的影响,而儒家传统经典,如《论语》、《道德经》和《易经》等书的独到之处,在于对两个世纪以来的事实进行价值重新定位做出了重要贡献。
The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All
——Regional Integration and Economic Growth
The second session of Economic Sub-forum(2011) ——Regional Integration and Economic Growth was held at the Press Hall, Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking University, on Nov. 5 morning.
Initially, Professor James Mirrlees, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, also the 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economics, gave his speech on Optimal Saving, Investment and Growth in Open Economics. Taking China as the example, through Euler Rule, he pointed out that saving in China is too high and investment is too low, China should change from lender to borrow: grow faster for a time, then grow much slowly. Older generations should have more consumption and the future perhaps less. Professor Jwa Sung-hee from South Korea analysed lessons from Japanese, Korean, Chinese as well as the world’s economic development experiences, to establish a general theory of economic development, so as to consistently explain the condensed as well as extended development experiences, he illustrated that economic development is an emergent behavior of the complex economic system, the market helps only those who help themselves, the corporations can solve the market’s developmental failure, the government can improve upon the market outcomes by solving both developmental failures through adopting the discriminatory institutional as well as policy regimes which help those agents, corporations as well as individuals who help themselves, development, thus, requires the government and corporation as well as the market, all playing the role of economic discriminator which takes the economic differences differently.
Afterwards, Professor Christopher J. Berry from Britain performed his view from a totally different perspective: Luxury and the Ethics of Consumption. As more and more luxurious commodities emerging in China, the dialectic on luxury and ethnics is inevitable. Professor Berry firstly stated that the view that luxury as part of a moralized vocabulary was considered bad or dangerous, and then he sketched the rejection or negation of this, finally discussed the re-moralization. Professor Shimizu Tetsurou from Japan elaborated the debate in Japan about TTP (Trans-pacific partnership) currently, and the future impact of the TPP to Asia. However, there still exists many problems in TPP: first, the TPP negotiation is strongly initiated by the USA, so the rules of it must be beneficial for the USA; second, the TPP will divide the unity of east Asian countries; third, the TPP will cause damage to the high cost Japanese agriculture and weaken the food security; last, the investment rules which the USA wants to introduce in the TPP will threat the economic sovereignty. Professor Pak Zong Chol from North Korea gave his presentation on the Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia and Its Perspectives, he emphasized the importance of economic cooperation and indicated a positive expectation towards the perspectives, from the aspects of natural resources, history, culture and scientific technology.
In Europe the national labour markets have been integrated by the founding common labour markets. The first common labour market was the Nordic one from 1954 with five member states, the second one was the European Union Common Labour Market which was developed in three steps in the 1960s and expanded by the gradual enlargement of the European Union from six to now 27 member states. The common labour markets have lead to increased migration and also commuting between the member countries. This has facilitated the recruitment of workers for expanding industries. Professor Eskil Wadensj? from Sweden discussed the effects of integration of labour markets on economic growth by using the two common labour markets in Europe as examples. The future development of the common European labour market was also discussed. Professor Ki-seok Kim from The University of Seoul, gave his speech on the historical comparative view on intellectual excellence in the east and west, referring to the traditional education regime and academic institution development. In the past, at a variety of non-formal and less institutionalized (NFLI) academic networks that most of the training of the Korean literati was carried out, ranging from a family school, to the Letter Hall, and to the private seminary. They served as a powerful and effective driving force for successful academic achievement. If the University Paris was where Western Scholasticism blossomed in the medieval periods, then it is the gate, through which a distinctive academic lineage was formed, where the renaissance of Korean Confucianism has taken place since the early 16 century, and he focused on the intellectual interactions within the Gate as a core of NFLIs for intellectual excellence and cultivation of the personality in its highest from.
From the aspect of business, Mr. Hani Findakly stated the active impacts on accelerating trade, economic growth and labour force transformation of regional integration, and specifically discussed the economic circumstances and trade barriers of the typical regional integration alliance. Professor Reginald Little from Australia demonstrated some points on the Asian Confucian Culture, from the angle of western sight, he indicated the differences between east and west education regime, students in China tends to contribute much more dedication towards academic works, besides, Asia has profoundly influenced by Confucianism, and the unique qualities in central classics of the Confucian tradition such as the Lunyu, Daodejing and Yijing all have important contributions to make in re-evaluating many of the certainties of “progress” over the past two centuries.
The scholars focused much on positive and negative impacts of regional integration, economic cooperation as well as the Confucianism affects in east and west, under the background of globalization, economic cooperation and cultural communication has already become the main trend.
(科研办公室 供稿)