Differentiated Adaptations of Rural Households to Local Climate Change: Evidence from China’s Three Gorges Dam
组织人:张晓波 李力行 席天扬 邢剑炜 刘怡 张鹏飞 郝煜 刘冲
题目:Differentiated Adaptations of Rural Households to Local Climate Change:
Evidence from China’s Three Gorges Dam
Using the precipitation decline in downstream induced by the initial impoundment of the world’s largest hydroelectric dam in 2003 as a natural experiment, we identify differentiated patterns of adaptations to climate change by rural households’ initial endowments. Using gridded-monthly data and a difference-in-differences design, we confirm persistent decrease in spring precipitation in downstream of the dam, which is a hypothesis raised by previous hydrological studies. We further show that the decrease in precipitation leads to a 14 percent reduction in the yields of rice using a panel of over 40,000 rural households (1995-2014). In response to the continuous reduction in crop yields, small and subsistence-oriented farmers increase rice cropping area to maintain total output. In contrast, large and market-oriented farmers choose to migrate and find opportunities from less affected regions.
陈婷是香港浸会大学经济系助理教授。她在香港科技大学获得社会科学博士学位,并在普林斯顿大学进行博士后研究。她目前的研究领域包括政治经济学,发展经济学,房地产和经济史等。陈婷助理教授最近的作品发表在 The Quarterly Journal of Economics , Journal of Econometrics 和 The Journal of Development Economics 等国际知名期刊。