【演讲者介绍】:周羿,加州大学伯克利分校博士候选人。其主要研究领域为人口经济学、健康经济学和中国经济,曾获第十八届安子介国际贸易研究奖,他的研究成果发表在Social Science & Medicine,Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory,Economics Letters,《经济研究》和《经济学(季刊)》等学术刊物上。
题目:One-Child Policy, Marriage Distortion, and Welfare Loss
摘要:Using plausibly exogenous variations in the ethnicity-specific assigned birth quotas and different fertility penalties across provinces over time, we provide new evidence for the transferable utility model by showing China`s One-Child Policy induced a significantly higher unmarried rate among the population and more interethnic marriages. Using sufficient statistic approach, we further find that the welfare loss caused by the fertility policy, in terms of reduced fertility and marriage distortion, is around 4.9 percent of annual household income, with marriage distortion contributing 17 percent of this. These findings highlight the unintended behavioral responses to public policies and corresponding social consequences.