题目:Investing Like China
报告人:姚雯 博士/助理教授
主持人:郭研 副教授
点评人:杨汝岱 副教授、赵晓军 副教授
This paper first documents three important facts about Chinese economy for the past decade: i) The skill premium in wage has been rising till 2008 but falls sharply afterwards; ii) non-residential structure investment contributes the most to the surge of the aggregate investment rate since 2008; iii) on the firm level, after 2008 the return to capital is lower for firms with lower employee education level. We then use a two-sector model to show quantitatively that these features in the data are caused by distortionary government investment policy in 2008 that enables infrastructure sector absorb capital at a lower than market rate. Therefore, large amount of investment flows into the infrastructure sector, which drives up the demand of unskilled labor. The rising demand for unskilled labor leads to an increase of unskilled wage. On the other hand, since infrastructure sector borrows a lot, the market interest rate for the general good sector rises. The resulting reduction of investment in the general good sector reduces the demand for skilled labor and hence the growth of skilled labor wage, leading to a fall in the skill premium in wage. We calibrate the model to the Chinese data and our results suggest that government has strong incentive to invest in the infrastructure sector if they are only interested in the short-run output level. More interestingly, when we introduce migration of unskilled labor from rural to urban area, distortionary government investment policy could in fact increase the marginal product of labor and hence increase welfare. However, once rural to urban migration is completed, there is only welfare loss associated with distortionary policy.
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