【题目】 Place-Based Policies, Creation, and Displacement: Evidence from China’s Economic Zone Program
【摘要】Exploiting novel geocoded firm data, this paper examines the impact of China’s special economic zones on economic activity in the targeted areas. The analysis finds that economic zones have a positive effect on capital, employment, and output, and increase the number of firms. Firm births and deaths play a larger role in explaining the zone’s effects than incumbents and relocations. The study also finds evidence of positive effects of SEZs on local productivity and wages. Finally, a zone’s effectiveness depends on the features of the economic zone program. Capital-intensive industries exhibit larger positive zone effects than labor-intensive ones. Location characteristics such as transportation accessibility and market potential are not critical factors in enhancing the program effects.
【主讲人简介】陆毅,新加坡国立大学副教授(终身教职)。香港大学经济学博士。主要研究领域包括Economic Development、International Trade等,在American Economic Journal、Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of International Economics等顶级期刊发表论文多篇。
Place-Based Policies, Creation, and Displacement:Evidence from China?s Economic Zone Program