【题目】Human Capital versus Physical Capital in the Marriage Market
【摘要】Anderson and Bidner (QJE, 2015) theoretically predict that marriage payments are more attractive to partners than human capital in the marriage market with marital contracting frictions. We test the prediction by exploring parental responses to the sex-ratio imbalance in China, where marital contracting frictions are high as divorce rates are low. We find that when sex ratio biases towards males, parents of sons, compared to those of daughters, invest more physical capital to improve their sons` marriage prospect; in contrast, they decrease investments in their sons` human capital. Our empirical results are consistent with Anderson and Bidner. We finally discuss the policy implication of parental resource allocation inefficiency resulting from the sex-ratio imbalance for the long-run human capital development of Chinese boys.
【主讲人简介】易君健,新加坡国立大学助理教授。浙江大学硕士,香港中文大学博士,芝加哥大学博士后(2015)。主要研究领域包括Labor and Demographic Economics; Economic Development; Economics on Human Capital; Behavioral Economics, and Chinese Economy等,在Economic Journal、Demography、Review of Economics and Statistics等顶级期刊发表论文多篇。