演讲题目:The Long-term Effect of Early Adversity on Mental Well-being: Evidence from the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China (with Qianping Ren)
摘要: This paper, using a difference-in-difference method with the variation of birth cohorts and regional excess death rates, tries to quantify the effects of the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China on physical health and mental well-being of the survivors, which we use height, BMI, depression, stress, restlessness, feeling of difficulty, perception of the meaning of life, happiness, and life satisfaction as the proxies. We find that, exposure to the Great Famine in childhood caused significantly negative effects on both the physical and mental health. An increase in BMI in women with prenatal famine exposure is found as well. Our falsification test shows there is no difference in the above outcomes between the two cohorts born in 1963-1964 and 1965, which validates our difference-in-difference method. Our findings clearly show the long-term impact of adverse events such as famine in childhood on not only physical health but also mental well-being. Moreover, the negative effects on mental well-being hold even after we control for physical health and labor market outcomes, which indicates the mental damage caused to those experiencing adverse events in childhood, as suggested by the psychological trauma theory from psychology.
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