主讲人:George Hendrikse(荷兰伊拉斯谟大学鹿特丹管理学院教授)
题目:Cognition and Governance Structure
George Hendrikse (1958) studied business econometrics as an undergraduate student at Tilburg University, and obtained his Ph-D degree at the University of Pittsburgh (USA). He was assistant and associate professor of Organization and Strategy at the University of Tilburg. Since 1996 he is full professor Economics of Organization at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands. He has visited University of Maastricht (Netherlands), Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), the University of California at Berkeley (USA), Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China), University of Missouri at Columbia (USA), and the University of Bocconi (Milan, Italy).
His research and teaching has been about the relationship between the internal and industrial organization of enterprises. His current research emphasizes the governance of enterprises, with a special interest in cooperatives. He has published 12 books and more than 100 articles scholarly articles in journals like American Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Management Science, Journal of Retailing, and Organization Studies (http://www.rsm.nl/ghendrikse and www.erim.nl/cooperatives). He has supervised 10 PhD theses, and received grants from the Dutch Science Foundation, the European Community, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is founder of eRNAC (e Research Network Agricultural Cooperatives), scientific director of ECC (Erasmus Center for Cooperatives), and co-organizer and -editor of the bi-annual EMNET conference (Economics and Management of Networks). His email address is ghendrikse@rsm.nl.
Each governance structure (Market, Vertical Integration) is characterized by its unique allocation of limited cognitive units over agents. The probability distribution of the states and the size of the gain and loss of projects determine the efficiency of a governance structure. Market (Vertical Integration) is efficient when the interaction between the upstream and downstream parties is relatively rare (frequent) and the gain due to selecting a good project is relative large (small) as compared to the loss of a bad project.