讲座题目:Is Loss Aversion An Explanation for Early Claiming of Social Security?
Social Security provides longevity insurance for older households. According to standard expected utility models, most rational households who are not currently liquidity-constrained should delay claiming in order to insure their consumption in late life. However, most individuals claim Social Security soon after they become eligible. This paper provides an explanation for this early claiming behavior using the loss aversion feature of prospect theory. That is, when making Social Security claiming decisions, older households do not evaluate the final state of benefits they receive. Instead, they consider benefit gains and losses relative to claiming immediately. In the event of early death, a household that delays claiming receive a substantially smaller lifetime benefit than claiming at 62. Thus, households claim immediately in order to avoid this type of loss. This paper examines the above hypothesis both theoretically and empirically. In the first part, we calculate Social Security Equivalent Income, the factor by which the Social Security benefits of a typical household claiming at other ages should be multiplied so that it is as well off in prospect theory terms as it would be at the reference combination of claiming ages. We find that if both spouses of a typical one earner couple delay claiming to their full retirement age, they would require a 4.1 percent increase in their Social Security income to achieve the same level of value as both claiming immediately. In the second part, using Health and Retirement Study data matched to Social Security earnings records and Social Security benefit claiming record, we find households who subject to higher value loss are more likely to claim immediately.
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