Credit Condition, Inflation and Unemployment
会议号: 102 615 0506
We study the effects of the firm's credit condition on labor market performance and the relationship between expected inflation and unemployment in a new monetarist model. Better credit condition has positive impact on labor market as firms save on financing cost, improve profitability, and create more vacancies. Inflation affects unemployment through two opposing channels. On one hand, inflation increases the firm's financing cost, which discourages job creation and increases unemployment. On the other hand, inflation lowers wages because unemployed workers carry higher real balances and suffer more from inflation compared to unemployed workers. This encourages job creation. The overall effect of inflation on employment can be positive or negative and depends crucially on the firm's credit condition. We calibrate the model to match the post-WWII US data. The calibrated model suggests a downward-sloping Phillips curve with flexible wage setting.
Liang Wang,夏威夷大学常聘副教授。主要研究方向为宏观经济学、货币经济学、银行、金融市场等。在JET,IER, EER, JEDC等著名杂志发表论文多篇。
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供稿 | 宏观经济学工作坊
美编 | 山竹
责编 | 量子、禾雨、予天