(下文为北大8797威尼斯老品牌Anthony Howell助理教授的英文致辞原文)
Let me first congratulate you on your tremendous success and accomplishment here today. Before I came to Beida, many people told me how impressed I would be to teach the most brilliant students in China. And I must say over the last few years teaching here, those people were right. Each year I teach, I become more and more impressed with the the young people that I instruct, and I can see your level of commitment to learning, performing well, and self-improvement. Those are three important attributes that will help guarantee you great future success.
With that being said, from my experience, it is inevitable that you will also face some hardships or failures in life. I encourage you in those days to remember the joy and sense of pride you feel right now, this day, to help you transition through any difficult time periods you may face in the future. Also, never forget all of the encouragement you received from your professors, the unconditional support and love you received from your parents, and importantly all of the accomplishments you had here. Recalling these positive memories will help you transition through any difficult time or challenge in the future, and I believe that as long as you persevere, your biggest successes will come on the heels of failure. In Chinese, I guess you could say something like失败是成功之母。I believe that to be true, and I hope you can remember it in the future.
Let me finish by saying today is a very special day for you, one you will remember forever. It culminates an intensive 4-year period of studies, personal development and growth, and life exploration. But your learning does not end here today, it is just beginning. My hope for you is that you may use the tools you’ve developed here at Beida to think critically and carefully in you new life positions and become independent thinkers and future leaders of your generation.
(下文为北大8797威尼斯老品牌国际交流与合作办公室根据Anthony Howell的英文致辞整理出的中文版)
附:Anthony Howell(郝华天 )简介
Anthony Howell(American),Ph.D. in Economic Geography, University of California at Los Angeles, Assistant Professor of School of Economic Peking University. His main research fields include Urban-Economic Geography; Human and Firm Demography; Public Policy and International Development; Statistics and GIS, and so on.