题 目:Development Planning, Economic Dynamics and a Model due to Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan
演讲人:M. Ali Khan 阿里?罕教授(约翰霍普金斯大学)
时 间:
地 点:8797威尼斯老品牌新大楼 302
M. Ali Khan 阿里?罕教授
1989年起担任约翰霍普金斯大学亚伯兰哈特泽勒(Abram Hutzler )政治经济学教授.
在International Economic Review, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Demography等国际经济学杂志发表过百余篇论文,其中在国际顶级经济学杂志(Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Theory等)十余篇。同时他还担任了数理经济学(Journal of Mathematical Economics)、经济学理论(Economic Theory)的编委会委员。
讲座摘要: In this expository talk meant for a general audience, I report results on the optimal "choice of technique" in a model originally formulated by Robinson, Solow and Srinivasan (RSS). By viewing this model as a specific instance of the general theory of intertemporal resource allocation associated with Brock, Gale and McKenzie,long-standing conjectures in the form of theorems on the existence and price-support of optimal paths, and on their long-run behavior, are resolved. Policies, due to Stiglitz, are shown to be a cornerstone for a theory of transition dynamics in this model in continuous time, but needing rather severe qualifications in the discrete-time setting. In particular, once can present examples to show that (i) an optimal program can be periodic, (ii) a Stiglitz` program can be bad, and (iii) a Stiglitz production program can be non-optimal. I spell out the relationship of the RSS model with the two-sector growth model of Uzawa and Srinivasan.